In a heartbreaking incident in Bengaluru, four members of a family were found dead in their rented home. The family included Anup Kumar, a 38-year-old software consultant, his wife Rakhi, 35, and their two young children, 5-year-old Anupriya and 2-year-old Priyansh. The police are investigating the case as a suspected murder-suicide.
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The family originally came from Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh. Anup had moved to Bengaluru for his job at a private company. On Monday, their house help arrived for work but didn't get any response when she knocked. Concerned, she called the neighbors, who then contacted the police. When authorities arrived and entered the house, they found the bodies of Anup, Rakhi, and their children.
According to initial reports, Anup and Rakhi are believed to have poisoned their children before taking their own lives by hanging. The police suspect that emotional distress could have been a major reason behind this tragedy. The couple had been struggling with their daughter Anupriya's health issues, as she had special needs.
The house help mentioned that while the parents had seemed a bit stressed recently, they had not shown any signs of such a tragic outcome. They appeared to be happy and had even packed for a trip to Pondicherry just the day before. The family also employed three people to help at home—two cooks and a caregiver for their children, all earning Rs 15,000 per month.
No suicide note has been found at the scene, and the police are still investigating the case.
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